Tag: 80f0fd8a7f18af78dd26bf94230e89c3ae82d4ba

openvswitch: using kfree_rcu() to simplify the code

Author: Wei Yongjun <yongjun_wei@trendmicro.com.cn> The callback function of call_rcu() just calls a kfree(), so we can use kfree_rcu() instead of call_rcu() + callback function. spatch with a semantic match is used to found this problem. (http://coccinelle.lip6.fr/) Signed-off-by: Wei Yongjun Acked-by: Jesse Gross Signed-off-by: David S. Miller — net/openvswitch/flow.c | 10 +——— 1 file changed, 1 …

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